“The Choice” is a short film by Nicole Papadopoulos and Anna Primiani.
Currently in post-production, “The Choice” is a passion project very near and dear to both Nicole and Anna’s hearts.
At the crossroads of her medical struggle, Amy (Nicole Papadopoulos) makes a startling choice that threatens to tear her family apart.
To learn more about the project, please visit TheChoiceShortFilm.com
Itoc Flicks with Nicole Papadopoulos
Nicole Papadopoulos is the producer and host of this 30 minute show on Itoc Media Agape Greek Radio, where Nicole gathers Filmmakers to discuss the latest film and tv shows. Fun and Entertaining with a lot of different perspectives and opinions.
To learn more about the show, visit AgapeGreekRadio.com
Animation Nights New York Animator Interviews
Animation Nights New York, also known as ANNY, is a monthly screening event and yearly festival that celebrates the very best in animation talent.
ANNY’s artists come from all across the globe and many have gone on to have their work featured at Annancy, Cannes, and other prominent festivals.
In this podcast, Nicole speaks with incredible animation talent about their work and their inspirations. The show is available on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Acast, Stitcher, Animation for Adults, ANNY website, and featured at the ANNY monthly screening events.
To learn more about the show, visit AnimationNights.com
MUSE-A-DOPOULOS is the brainchild of comedy writer/performer duo Karen Musey and Nicole Papadopoulos. Their absurd, smart style of funny melds their love of intelligent off-beat comedy (Fry & Laurie, Monty Python) and brilliant physical comedy (Chris Farley, Will Ferrell, Julia Louis-Dreyfus).
They enjoy exploring different types of comedy fueled by their unique and varied backgrounds- they can write, they can act, they can dance, they can sing, they can improv, they can voice over. They also make a mean borscht.
MUSE-A-DOPOULOS is currently working on the new season of their short sketch series that will be released in 2021, as well as an “unlikely hero” animated series.
To be a part of the fun, visit MUSEADOPOULOS.com